Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Our First Skijoring Race

Wow, what a weekend! Last Friday, Feb 05, Kyna and I headed to Didsbury, Alberta for our first race. We raced a four mile run at 8:30 a.m. on Sat. and Sun. Kyna and I came dead last but I was happy how she ran. Four miles in 22 minutes on a very icy and hard track. To put it in perspective the top times were under 12 minutes. Everyone had two dogs except for me. Three skiers came in with bloody faces. Anyhow I learned a lot about the sport and helped where I could. Here is a test question for you. Does anyone know what it means to drop your dog in the mushing world? We came home with the sportsmanship award voted by ballot vote by all the mushers.  Kyna won a couple months worth  of top quality dog food and I  hats, coffee mug, posters, and 50 bucks. The event was extremely well organized, and I met a lot of great people. Looking forward to seeing most of them at our next race in Kimberly on Feb. 20,21. Check out some pictures of the Rosebud at

A frosty morning start to the first four mile race.

Pumped for the finish!

Just a little frosty.

Back in the warm car to watch the other dogs.

Day two. Kyna running hard.

Here is link to the Bootleg Race we are going to on the 20th.